Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, Israel, Egypt and Kuwait formed a working group on Drinking Water Quality Assessment in the Middle East.
A Trans-boundary partnership with Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and Jordan was created to mitigate water scarcity in the Middle East.
Alazhar University (Gaza) and Technion (Israel) collaborated on testing the contaminated drinking water in Gaza.
A unanimous resolution about the very serious degradation of water quality in Gaza was communicated to Middle East Envoy Tony Blair, representing the U.N., U.S., E.U., and Russia.
Bethlehem University in the Palestinian Authority and the Weizmann Institute in Israel received a grant for a water purification project.
Palestinian students are pursuing their PhD studies at the Weizmann Institute, as a result of the Malta Conferences.
A Palestinian Professor spent a full year sabbatical at the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) as a result of the Malta Conferences.
Nobel Laureate, Y T Lee, extended six 1 year Fellowships to young scientists from the Middle East to come to work on the Synchrotron in Taiwan so that they could participate in the SESAME project in Jordan. All six finished their training.
Mini-Malta Conferences were held in different countries to work on specific subjects, especially designing a curriculum for science education.
Many friendships were formed, where participants are communicating and meeting in different places between the Conferences.