Lerman, Z. Human Rights and Peace: A Personal Odyssey. Jenny Stanford Publication, July 2024.
Peace with Penny, Season 5 Trailer: Penny S. Tee Interviews Zafra Lerman of the Malta Conferences Foundation, August 13, 2024.
Pacchioni, G. You May Say She’s a Dreamer: Review of “Human Rights and Peace: A Personal Odyssey,” by Z. Lerman. Nature Reviews Materials, August 19, 2024.
Kilian, N. Interview with Humanitarian Zafra Lerman on the Power of Scientific Research, Education, and Science Diplomacy. Science Speaks, August 2024.
New Book by Zafra Lerman, The Chemical Bulletin, Chicago Section of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 111, No. 7, p. 9, September 2024.
Abigail Fagan. The Strength To Resist: What gives people the conviction to dissent? Psychology Today, November 7, 2023.
Kilian, N. How the Malta Conferences Are Cultivating International Peace Through Scientific Exchange. Advanced Science News, January 10, 2023.
Pewsey, E. Beyond Borders. Chemistry World, January 11, 2023.
PEACE with Penny: Penny S. Tee Interviews Zafra Lerman, February 28, 2023.
Hoffman, M.Z. Report from Malta X. The Nucleus, 2023, 101 (7), pp. 9-14.
Pichon, A. How Many Roads Must a Woman Walk Down? Nature Chemistry, March 27, 2023, pp.1-3.
The Connected Leadership Podcast: Zafra Lerman – “We only have one nationality, it’s science.” March 2023.
Shevah, Y; Hogue, L; O’Brien, C; Lerman, Z. Malta Conferences Foundation, 10th Anniversary Conference: “Knowledge and Society” – MALTA X focus. Chemistry International, 2023, 45 (2), pp. 44-48.
Pewsey, E. In Situ With Zafra Lerman. Chemistry World, January 28, 2022.
Lerman, Z. Keep Up the Fight for Scientists’ Human Rights. Nature Reviews Materials, 2022.
Bean, S. United (by Science) with Dr. Zafra Lerman. In Transit, June 16, 2022.
Kilian, N. Zafra Lerman: Scientific Exchange Can Promote Peace. Advanced Science News, June 17, 2022.
Opening address by His Excellency George Vella, President of Malta, at the Malta X Conference entitled ”Frontiers of Science: Innovation, Research and Education in the Middle East – A Bridge to Peace”, St Julian’s, Malta. November 7, 2022.
Ouverture de la Malta X Conference “Frontiers of Science,” Ambassade de France à La Valette, Malta. November 7, 2022.
O’Brien, C. NSPN's Colleen O'Brien Reflects on the Malta Conference. National Science Policy Network, December 13, 2022.
Hoffman, M.Z. Science Diplomacy, the Malta Conferences, and the ACS. The Nucleus, 2021, 99 (4), pp. 12-13.
Zajdela, E.; Lerman, Z. Malta X Anniversary and COVID-19. Chemistry International, 2021, 43 (2), pp. 16-19.
Oosthoek, S. Dark Russian alleys and a shout out to Nixon. CIC News. June 2021.
Lerman, Z; Zajdela, E. Chemistry for Peace. Chem. Eng. News, 2020, 98 (10), p. 2.
Lerman, Z; Zajdela, E. Chemistry for Peace. The Chemical Bulletin, April 2020, p. 2.
Lerman, Z; Zajdela, E. Malta Conferences Use Science Diplomacy as a Bridge to Peace in the Middle East. The Nucleus, 2020, 98 (8), p. 5.
Lerman, Z; Shevah, Y. Malta IX Conference on Chemistry and Peace in the Middle East, Malta, December 2019. Chemistry International, 2020, 42 (2), pp. 36-40.
Lerman, Z; Zajdela, E. Chemistry for Peace. The Israel Chemist and Chemical Engineer, July 2020, pp. 6-7.
Siegal, T. Israeli and Emirati Companies Join Forces to Develop COVID-19 Treatment. The Jerusalem Post International, October 2, 2020.
Abu Dhabi Stem Cells Center and Pluristem Unveil Joint Projects at Malta Conferences Foundation Online Event. The New York Times, October 1, 2020.
Abu Dhabi Stem Cells Center and Pluristem Unveil Joint Projects at Malta Conferences Foundation Online Event, The Wall Street Journal, October 1, 2020.
Abu Dhabi Stem Cells Center und Pluristem präsentieren gemeinsame Projekte auf der Online-Veranstaltung der Malta Conferences Foundation, Wall Street Online, October 1, 2020, German
Le Centre de cellules souches d’Abu Dhabi ADSCCet Pluristem dévoilent des projets communs lors de l’événement en ligne de la Malta Conferences Foundation, AP News, October 1, 2020, French
L’Abu Dhabi Stem Cells Center e Pluristem presentano progetti congiunti all’evento online della Malta Conferences Foundation, Ansa It Economia, October 1, 2020, Italian
El Abu Dhabi Stem Cells Center y Pluristem presentan proyectos conjuntos en el evento online de la Malta Conferences Foundation, AP News, October 1, 2020, Spanish
Hoffman, M.Z. Report from Malta IX. The Nucleus, 2020, 99 (1), p. 2.
Shevah, Y. Impact of Persistent Droughts on the Quality of the Middle East Water Resources. In Evaluating Water Quality to Prevent Future Disasters. Separation Science and Technology, Volume 11; Ahuja, S., Ed., Academic Press and Elsevier, 2019, pp. 51-84.
Lerman, Z. Education, Human Rights, and Peace – Contributions to the Progress of Humanity. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 91(2), pp. 351-360. Retrieved 13 Sep. 2019, from doi:10.1515/pac-2018-0712
Lerman, Z. Education, Human Rights, and Peace – Contributions to the Progress of Humanity. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 91(2), pp. 351-360.
Lerman, Z; Margolin, B. A Chain Reaction for Peace. Chem. Eng. News, 2018, 96 (4), p. 2.
Lerman, Z; Margolin, B. A Chain Reaction for Peace. The Nucleus, 2018, 96 (7), p. 4.
Lerman, Z; Margolin, B. A Chain Reaction for Peace. The Chemical Bulletin, March 2018, p. 2.
Hogue, L. Malta VIII: Research and Education in the Middle East – A Bridge To Peace. ACS Division of Chemical Education Newsletter, Spring 2018, pp. 32-33.
Lerman, Z.M. Resolution on the Water Crisis in Gaza. Chemistry International, 2018, 40 (2), p. 32.
Shevah, Y. Middle East Regional Cooperation and Sustainable Water Management of Transboundary Water. Chemistry International, 2018, 40 (2), pp. 35-38.
Langer, Stanley. CROSSING DIVIDES - Science Towards Peace in the Middle East. Chemistry International, 2018, in press.
Lerman, Z; Margolin, B. A Chain Reaction for Peace. The Israel Chemist and Engineer, 2018 (4) p. 6-7.
Lerman, Z; Margolin, B. A Chain Reaction for Peace. Newsletter for Senior Chemists, American Chemical Society, November 2018, p. 3.
“Q&A: Zafra Lerman on peace through science diplomacy” Physics Today - By Toni Feder
“2016 Andrei Sakharov Prize Awarded to Zafra Lerman.” Chemistry International, 2016, 38 (5), p. 22.
Hoffman, M.Z.; Lerman, Z.M.; Black, I. Research and Education in the Middle East. Chemistry International, 2016, 38 (5), pp. 35-37.
Hoffman, M.Z. Report from Rabat: Malta VII; Frontiers of Science: Research and Education in the Middle East. The Nucleus, 2016, 94 (7), p. 2.
Hoffman, M. Report from Malta VII. The Shofar, 2016, 59 (4), p. 11.
“2016 Andrei Sakharov Prize Awarded to Zafra Lerman, Malta Conferences Foundation” American Physical Society, Forum on International Physics Newsletter, Spring 2016
Hoffman, M.; Lerman, Z. The Malta Conferences. Frontiers of Science: Research and Education in the Middle East. American Physical Society, Forum on International Physics Newsletter, Spring 2016
Hoffman, M.Z. Malta VII - Frontiers of Science: Research and Education in the Middle East. ACS Division of Chemical Education Newsletter, Spring 2016
“2014 AAAS Award for Science Diplomacy: Zafra M. Lerman Honored for Promoting Multinational Scientific Cooperation in the Middle East” American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2015.
Lerman, Z.M. From Fighting for Human Rights to Building a Bridge to Peace. Science & Diplomacy, March 2015.
“Zafra Lerman: The Chemistry of Diplomacy,” Weizmann Magazine, Spring 2015, pp. 54-55.
“Science Diplomacy: Seizing a New Opportunity” The World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries, June 2015.
Hoffman, M.Z.; Lerman, Z.M. The Malta Conferences: Fostering International Scientific Collaborations Toward Peace in the Middle East. In Jobs, Collaborations, and Women Leaders in the Global Chemistry Enterprise; Wu, M.L.; Cheng, H.N.; Miller, B., Eds., American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 2015, pp. 81-95.
Lerman, Z.M. From Building Roads To Building Peace: A Woman Chemist’s Odyssey. In Jobs, Collaborations, and Women Leaders in the Global Chemistry Enterprise; Wu, M.L.; Cheng, H.N.; Miller, B., Eds., American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 2015, pp. 209-221.
Lerman, Z.M. Science Offers a Hopeful New Diplomacy. The World Academy of Sciences Newsletter, 2015.
Zaman, M.H. Science Beyond the Heat. The Express Tribune (Pakistan), October 26, 2015.
Nelson, D. Building Relationships, Building Trust. Chem. Eng. News, 2015, 93 (48), p. 45.
“Fortune favours the brave – both in science and entrepreneurship” Aalto University News and Events, December 2015.
Hoffman, M.; Lerman, Z. The Malta Conferences. Frontiers of Science: Research and Education in the Middle East. American Physical Society, Forum on International Physics Newsletter, Spring 2014, pp. 19-21.
Sheva, Y. Water Quality in the Middle East. Chemistry International, 2014, 36 (3), 5-8.
Black, I.; Hoffman, M. Z.; Lerman, Z.M. Research and Education in the Middle East. Chemistry International, 2014, 36 (3), pp. 27-29.
Hoffman, M.Z. Report from Malta: Frontiers of Science: Research and Education in the Middle East. The Nucleus, 2014, 92 (5), p. 2.
“A Bridge to Peace.” Interface – Online Magazine of the Weizmann Institute, 2014.
Hoffman, M.Z. Science Education Workshop at Malta VI. ACS Division of Chemical Education Newsletter, Spring 2014, pp. 51-52.
Langer, S. Science - A Bridge to Peace. Chemistry International, 2013, 35 (2), p. 36.
Everts, S. Middle East Meeting of Scientific Minds. Chem. Eng. News. 2013, 91 (46), p. 7.
Hoffmann, R. Maltese Reflections. Chem. Eng. News. 2013, 91 (49), p. 5.
Wu, M.L. Promoting World Peace Through Science Diplomacy. Chem. Eng. News, 2013, 91 (49), p. 38.
Schakowsky, J. Science Diplomacy in the Middle East. U.S. Congr. Rec. 2013, 159 (24), pp. 156-157.
Sheva, Y. Adaptation to Water Scarcity and Regional Cooperation in the Middle East. In Comprehensive Water Quality and Purification; Ahuja, S., Ed.; Elsever: U.S.A.; 2013; pp. 40-70.
Sheva, Y. Regional Water Quality Assessment and Regional Cooperation in the Middle East. Chemistry International, 2012, 34 (3), 22-23.
Hoffman, M.Z. (2012) Report from Paris: Frontiers of Chemical Sciences (Malta-V). The Nucleus, 2012, 91 (1), p. 2.
Hoffman, M.Z. Malta Conferences Foundation Established. The Nucleus, 2011, 90 (1), p. 4
Meyers, F. Malta Conferences Foundation Established. Chemistry International, 2011, 33 (6), p. 23.
Langer, S. Research and Education in the Middle East. Chemistry International, 2010, 32 (6), pp. 25-28.
Sheva, Y. Regional Drinking Water Quality Assessment in the Middle East: An Overview and Perspective. Chemistry International, 2010, 32 (2), 22-23.
Lerman, Z. M. Chemistry and Chemical Education as a Bridge to Peace. In Chemistry Education in the ICT Age; Gupta-Bhowon, M.; Jhaumeer-Laulloo, S.; Li Kam Wah, H.; Ramasami, P. (Eds.); Springer Science, U.S.A.; 2009; pp. 1-10.
Everts, S. Middle East Connections. Chem. Eng. News, 2008, 86 (4), pp. 59-61.
Malin, J. Middle East Chemists Meet in Istanbul. Chemistry International, 2008, 30 (3), pp. 31-34.
Begitt, K.; Hopf, H.; Ringsdorf, H. Schritte über Grenzen. Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 2008, 56, pp. 201-202.
Lerman, Z. Fostering Peace Through Scientific Bridges. American Chemical Society International E-Newsletter, January-February 2008.
Hoffman, M. Z. Report from Istanbul. Frontiers of Chemical Sciences: Research and Education in the Middle East. CHED Newsletter, Fall 2008, p. 32.
“Water in the Gaza Strip” Chemistry International, 2008, 30 (2), p. 18.
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Malin, J. M. Frontier Science in the Middle East. Chemistry International, 2006, 28 (2), pp. 9-11.
Lerman, Z. M.; Wade, J. S. Frontiers of Chemical Sciences II: Research and Education in the Middle East. Chemistry in Israel: Bull. Israel Chem. Soc. 2006, 21, pp. 21-23.
Begitt, K.; Ringsdorf, H. Malta II: Lehre und Forschung im Mittleren Osten. Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 2006, 54, pp. 174-176.
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Abbott, A. Make a Strong Bond. Nature, 2006, 440, p. 274.
Goldberg, L. These Scientists Have Great Chemistry. Hadassah Magazine, 2005, 87 (3), p. 14.
Langer, S. Chemical Affinity. Jewish Chronicle, May 13, 2005, p. 26.
Ritter, S. K. Science for Peace in the Middle East. Chem. Eng. News, 2005, 83 (46), p. 15.
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Durbin, R. Chemists Working Cooperatively. U.S. Congr. Rec. 2004, 150 (66), pp. 5368-5369.
Pickett, D. Sunday Lunch with Zafra Lerman: “I'm very busy. I'm trying to achieve peace in the Middle East and teach the world about science.” Chicago Sun-Times, November 7, 2004, p. 16A.
Margolin, W. Speaking the international language of science. JUF News, 2004, 34 (11), pp. 51-52.
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